Enrolment with Course Payment [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Enrolment Process Step 1/2 - Registration School Location: * —Please choose an option—Castle Hill Wesley ChurchDural Public SchoolHills Adventist CollegeOakhill Drive Public SchoolSamuel Gilbert Public SchoolModel Farms High School Baulkham Hill Child's Name: * (For Safari only, Use datepicker or enter in YYYY-MM-DD format for Child's DOB) Child's DOB:* Child's Sex MaleFemale Child's Day School Name: * Child's Grade Attended at Day Shool: * —Please choose an option—KindyYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6 Parent Name: * Parent Mobile No.: * Email * I give permission for teachers to use the photograph/video of my children within Shine Chinese Community School and to promote the class? YesNo Does your child suffer from any medical condition/food allergies? YesNo If answer above is yes, Please give the details: Consent: I agree to accept responsibility for costs incurred on my behalf in securing medical treatment and associated services for the above mentioned child requiring medical treatment or in the case of a medical emergency.I also consent to the Shine Chinese Community School to provide first aid.I understand that Shine Chinese Community School does not provide automatic personal injury or liability insurance for student accidents which are inflicted by the students themselves. I consent the conditions.Privacy Statement [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]